Category: news

  • Final TPM in Rome

    Time & Location

    05 February, 09:00 AM – 06 February, 03:00 PM

    Rome, Italy

    About the Event

    The meeting was hosted by PROMETEO. During the meeting, all the partners, guided by LIBA, revised the results obtained during the project 01 Mapping Frame for Improvements of Low Skilled Adult Learning and O2 Digital toolkit for remote co-design activities. Furthermore, the administrative, quality control and sharing activities were reviewed.

  • Multiplier Event in Greece

    Practical Applications and Lab-Team Training with the participation of interested citizens for the project “LAB-ADA: LAB for Adults Non-formal Digital Awareness” took place on February 3rd 2024 during an open event in the Eleusis region. The project results were analyzed, valuable information was provided, and practical examples were presented in workshop format to demonstrate the useful functions that emerged. Similar events will follow from all partners, and all information is available on the website.

  • We have got the Toolkit for remote co-design activities

    We are happy to announce that the second result of the LAB for Adults non-formal Digital Awareness (LAB-ADA) project has been successfully achieved. Our goal for this second step was to create a “Toolkit for remote co-design activities” in order to guide and help anyone in the creation a story and be the architects of new narratives.

    In the toolkit you may also find the videos the consortium has created in order to practically show you the results of the process of creation of a story.

    You can find it here

  • 3TPM in Elefsina

    Time & Location

    02 July, 09:00 AM – 03 Jul, 03:00 PM

    Elefsina, Greece

    About the Event

    The meeting was hosted by ECOKTIMA. During the meeting, all the partners, guided by ECO-LOGIC, discussed and co-designed the O2 Digital toolkit for remote co-design activities, reviewing the contents of the videos created by the partners and creating a finalization planning able to guide the partners’ activities till the end of the same activity. Moreover, a final review of the translated R1 versions was performed by all the partners. Furthermore, the administrative, quality control and sharing activities were reviewed, and the next steps defined. Finally, all the partners discussed about the final conference and meeting that will be held in Rome on 5 – 6 February 2024.

  • Participation of Preschool Educators in a Training Meeting of LAB-ADA

    The training and informational meeting of LAB-ADA with the participation of ten preschool educators from Greece was completed on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. This training presentation aimed to enhance their 21st-century skills. It is a characteristic case of adults who, despite being highly skilled in one area, may have an immediate need for information on other subjects and skills that they did not acquire during their studies. The resources provided by the desk research of the Erasmus LAB-ADA project, along with the systematic and creative dissemination of information, provide them with tools and extremely useful sources for their future endeavors.

    Με τη συμμετοχή δέκα εκπαιδευτικών προσχολικής αγωγής από την Ελλάδα ολοκληρώθηκε την Τετάρτη 31/5/2023 η διαδικτυακή ενημέρωση και επιμόρφωση αυτής της ομάδας σε δεξιότητες του 21ου αιώνα. Είναι χαρακτηριστική περίπτωση ενηλίκων που ενώ είναι εξαιρετικά καταρτισμένοι σε ένα αντικείμενο μπορεί να έχουν άμεση ανάγκη ενημέρωσης για ζητήματα και δεξιότητες που δεν κατέκτησαν στις σπουδές τους. Οι πηγές που παρέχει από το desk research το έργο Erasmus LAB-ADA αλλά και η συστηματική και με δημιουργικό τρόπο ενημέρωση τους παρέχει εργαλεία και πηγές εξαιρετικά χρήσιμα για τη συνέχεια.

  • Training and dissemination – 35 Young People from Across Europe on LAB-ADA

    A group of 35 young people from all over Europe visited Ecoktima in April 27th to learn about our innovative activities and received training in digital skills. The training is part of the European Project LAB – ADA (Lab for adults non-formal awareness)

    The participants were impressed by the methodology and found the presented information particularly useful. They expressed enthusiastic support for the platform and will continue to follow it actively!

    Μια ομάδα 35 νέων ανθρώπων από όλη την Ευρώπη επισκέφτηκαν στις 27 Απριλίου το Ecoktima για να ενημερωθούν για τις καινοτόμες δραστηριότητες μας αλλά και για μια επιμόρφωση σε ψηφιακές δεξιότητες. Η επιμόρφωση εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο του Ευρωπαϊκού Έργου LAB – ADA (Lab for adults non-formal awareness)  Οι συμμετέχοντες εντυπωσιάστηκαν με την μεθοδολογία και βρήκαν ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμα τα στοιχεία που παρουσιάστηκαν. Δήλωσαν ένθερμοι υποστηρικτές της πλατφόρμας και θα την ακολουθούν συνεχώς!

  • We have got the Mapping Frame!

    We are happy to announce that the first result of the LAB for Adults non-formal Digital Awareness (LAB-ADA) project has been successfully achieved.
    Our goal for this first step was to create “The Mapping Frame for the Improvement of Low-Skilled Adult Learning”, a methodological document that guides the development of the Toolkit for Remote Co-Design (O2) Activities.
    It represents a four-pillar framework that maps the factors influencing low-skilled adult learning, interconnected with the skills that need to be developed to enhance their ability to pursue what they value in life.

    You can find all the documents at the following link:

  • 2TPM in Skopje

    Time & Location

    08 dic, 09:00 – 09 dic, 03:40

    Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia del Nord

    About the Event

    The meeting was hosted by ECO-LOGIC. During the meeting, Ecoktima presented the final draft of the Mapping Frame. Based on partners’ feedback, Ecoktima will refine O1 in English and partners will translate it into their national languages. Partners worked with O2: ECO-LOGIC provided the partners with guidelines for the different story formats that will be created using different frameworks, and then, ECO-LOGIC provided the work plan and guidelines for creating the content. All partners further brainstormed ideas and decided on the design and main features of O2. The agreements on the task’s allotment of O2 was also made.

  • 1TPM in Vilinius

    Time & Location

    19 Jul, 09:00 – 20 Jul , 15:00

    Vilnius, Lithuania

    About the Event

    The meeting was hosted by LIBA. During the meeting, after the introduction of the partner, LIBA described the overall project and the administrative milestones. Then, Ecoktima presented the first results of the MAPPING FRAME and underlined the following steps to be followed. A brainstorming among the partners followed the presentation. CSCI described the Sharing and Promotion Strategy and Prometeo the Quality Management Plan.